Contact Us
Do you have feedback for us? We are always trying to improve our service, and we would love to hear from you. If you have any questions about our Service, Privacy Policy, Terms or You want to opt out from our marketing list you can contact us:
- By email:
- By mail: 1968 S. Coast Hwy #198, Laguna Beach, California, 92651, US.
- Email Us At:
Marketing And Trade Mark Related Concerns
If you have concerns regarding our brand overlapping your brand name, you can mail us about it with screenshots on . We respect your brand and we don't necessary use anyone's brand names on purpose, but we do use Geo Name Insertion on our ads, which could sometime overlap your brand, the best way to protect yourself for that situation is contact Google Ads Trademarks team and submit your documents to them which would automatically limit our ads or on any other advertisers ads on your trade mark region.
To know more about it checkout this link:
For Advertising Inquiry
If you are local Pest Control Company and would like to get more leads for your business, you can reachout to our team and learn more about our advertising solutions.